Lynchburg VA


College 1, I traveled far from home to the warm climate of Lynchburg, VA. I was a  Hopwood Scholar living in Tate Dorm, hated Organic Chem and Sociology. I liked my Creative writing classes and am thankful to my Chem 1 instructor for “calling me out” and giving me that 2nd chance. I’ve since paid it forward and called out a few students of my own to get them back on track.
I joined ROTC freshman year to learn map reading, rappel from cliffs, do push-ups, and then figured out I don’t like shooting weapons or following directions or the typical straight line.
4-hour Bio and Chem labs while your Political Science major friends are on the quad playing frisbee..not fair! Waffle House, Duckfest with Meatloaf. Fun times, great friends Cruise, Rachel, Shannon, Ryan, Vic, Fred, Angie, Nicole…picked up a “y’all” and a good pork BBQ recipe.
Out-of-state tuition bill was piling up and homesickness kicked in, back to Upstate NY I went for the spring of my sophomore year.